How To Fight A Failure To Comply Issue With Social Security Disability
You can be denied future social security disability payments if you are found to have failed to comply with your medical treatments. Failure to comply can include a variety of issues: you could avoid taking your medication, not show up for appointments or fail to meet with your doctor on a regular basis. A failure to comply is considered problematic because it may indicate that person is trying to stay on disability for a longer period of time. But there are some valid reasons you might not wish to comply with some medical treatments.
You Have Religious Objections
There are religious groups that have objections to certain types of medical treatment. As an example, some religious groups do not believe in blood transfusions. If you have religious objections to your treatments, you cannot be compelled to go through them by the social security disability board. You should make sure, however, that you note these objections clearly and that you contact the Social Security Department as soon as possible.
You Couldn't Afford the Treatments
Sometimes you just can't afford the treatments even with your social security disability payments. If you can't afford your payments, you should document your current financial status and you should notify the social security department of the reason why you aren't able to complete the treatments. Make sure you also document how much each treatment would cost, less any insurance reimbursements that you qualify for.
Your Treatment Causes Undue Hardship
If your treatment actually causes you more hardship than your medical problems themselves, then you may have those treatments waived. As an example, a prescription medication might cause severe nausea that makes it difficult to go about your day. You should always document your hardship carefully and consult with your doctor regarding any other potential treatments that could have fewer side effects. Having hardship with one medical treatment does not necessarily mean that you are allowed to avoid alternative treatments as well.
You Have a Second or Third Opinion
If another doctor tells you that your treatment is not necessary, you can argue that the treatment should not be done. You simply need to get another opinion. But remember, you also need to document this opinion and file it with social security so that they are aware that you are following this course of action.
A social security disability attorney can help you defend yourself in the event that your payments are cut or reduced due to failure to comply or due to any other issue. You should contact an attorney as soon as possible to avoid any complications. For more information, contact a firm such as Banik & Renner.